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simple three中文是什么意思

用"simple three"造句"simple three"怎么读"simple three" in a sentence


  • 简单三型


  • The intersection problems of simple three - fold triple systems of order v
  • Simple three sentences : no have thing can not be solved , only have thing can not be found . so i am just that people thinking and working the same time
    简单两句话:没有做不到的,只有想不到的! !所以,我就是那个会去想也会去做的人! !
  • In this thesis , not only the two - dimensional field problem , but also the simple three - dimensional model are explored and calculated , and the results are satisfactory by comparing with the real ones
  • Since children from the ages of 4 to 6 begin to learn the alphabet , parents can select illustrative books that include simple three letter words to help with his language learning and imagination
  • First , we use a simple three - layer - model to gain the expressions of the electric field of cladding mode and its dispersion equation , at the same time , we present the expressions of the electric field of the core mode and its dispersion equation
  • The last part of this paper designed a simple three - dimensional proportion homing rule according to three - dimensional opposite equation of motion of missile - target . and the simulation of the big - loop of terminal guide , control and motion was given
  • From domestic and international research situation , the research of virtual reality system focuses on hardware interface , algorithm describing and picture process , etc . there is not much study in transformation from two - dimensional data to three - dimensional data ; there is simple three - dimension show of the research of vrml more , combination with database supported few
  • In the discussion of dna , i mainly discussed the fault of two - tier architecture and the virtue of three - tier ( n - tier ) architecture and proposed a simple three - tier data amalgamation software based on the technique of dde , socket and ado , and the main techniques of data sharing based on web are xml , asp and iis , the database was sql server2000
    在分布式系统结构的讨论中,主要讨论了两层结构的缺点及三层(多层)结构的优点,并实现了完整的基于dde , socket和ado的三层结构的数据交换程序,而web数据共享与发布的实现则是基于xml , asp和iis等技术,数据库采用的是sqlserver2000 。
  • For a simple three - level supply chain comprising a single manufacturer , a single retailer and an end customer , this paper builds up a demand information forecasting model based on attribute theory method , thus enhancing the prediction effect , which helps to optimize the decision process and prevent the bullwhip effect in supply chain
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